Page 3 - Reviews - Catalina Crunch, Keto Friendly Cereal, Dark Chocolate, 9 oz (255 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 3, 2024
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Catalina Crunch's Dark Chocolate Keto Friendly Cereal offers a unique option for those following a ketogenic diet or anyone looking for a healthier breakfast alternative. This review will cover the taste, nutritional value, price, ingredients, and texture of the cereal. #### Taste Customers have described the taste of Catalina Crunch Dark Chocolate Cereal as very tasty, likening it to a less-sweet Oreo with a distinct dark chocolate, cocoa flavor[1][4]. It does not possess the artificial sweetener taste that is common in many keto products, offering a subtle sweetness that many find appealing[4]. However, some users have reported a chemical taste and an unpleasant aftertaste with certain flavors, indicating that taste experiences can vary[10]. #### Nutritional Value The cereal boasts impressive nutritional stats, particularly for those on a keto diet. Each serving contains only 5g net carbs, 11g protein, 9g fiber, and zero sugar, making it a nutrient-dense option to start the day[2][3]. It's also 100% plant-based, non-GMO, and gluten/grain-free[9]. The high fiber and protein content can contribute to a feeling of fullness, supporting weight management and blood sugar control. #### Price The price of Catalina Crunch can be a point of contention for some consumers. While it offers a healthier alternative to traditional cereals, its higher price point, around $9.59 for a 9 oz bag, may not be deemed worth it by everyone, especially considering some find the taste to be bland[5][7]. #### Ingredients Catalina Crunch's commitment to high-quality, non-GMO ingredients is evident in its product. The cereal is made from a blend of pea protein, potato fiber, non-GMO corn fiber, chicory root fiber, and other plant-based ingredients[6][9]. It's free from gluten, wheat, nuts, and soy, catering to various dietary restrictions and preferences. The absence of sugar alcohols or stevia is a plus for those sensitive to these sweeteners[4]. #### Texture One of the most praised aspects of Catalina Crunch is its texture. The cereal is described as super crunchy, maintaining its crispness even when soaked in milk[1][4]. This contrasts with many other cereals that quickly become soggy. The crunchiness not only adds to the eating experience but also helps in making the cereal more satisfying. ### Conclusion Catalina Crunch Dark Chocolate Keto Friendly Cereal is a solid choice for those looking for a nutritious, keto-friendly breakfast option. Its taste, while generally well-received, can vary among individuals. The cereal's nutritional profile is impressive, offering a high-protein, high-fiber, and low-carb start to the day. However, the price may be a deterrent for some. The quality of ingredients and the texture are standout features, making it a worthwhile consideration for those prioritizing health and dietary needs.