Page 2 - Reviews - Palladio, Powder Finish Foundation, Ivory PFS01, 0.91 fl oz (27 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on May 14, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review
Auto-translated from Arabic

So that you do not visit a psychiatrist: Do not focus on the gossip.. So-and-so said that against you.. So-and-so accused me of something that was not in me.. So-and-so ignored my message.. My girlfriend no longer loves me.. Ignore that nonsense and do not focus on her, let your main concern not be where did my husband go?! .. Why is he silent?! ..Does he still love me?! Questions and concerns that bring you nothing but problems, diseases, and psychological burnout.. *Do not think about the past.. How they wronged you.. How they wronged you.. And how you did not get your full rights?! Stop.. Stop.. The past arouses within you anger and a feeling of helplessness.. *Do not focus only on what you lack.. I need a huge amount of money and I do not have it.. I need a car.. I wish I had not contracted this disease.. I wish I had a house larger than that.. Make sure that no matter how much you get what you want, you will still lack something. Because your conviction will still lack something, no matter how satisfied you are. Do not compare your life to anyone else. You have advantages that no one else has. And they have shortcomings that you do not have. God is fair. Do not say that so-and-so’s husband is better than me. My children are not like your children. So-and-so... so-and-so is happy and I am miserable. Stop comparing because your outlook is limited and inadequate 👀 * Don’t think about taking revenge on anyone, no matter how much they hurt you. Because revenge will disrupt your life and cause you to hate, resentment, and rage, and if you fail in your revenge, you will become depressed. Life is much bigger than those things, my dear. Do not occupy yourself with things that exhaust you, tire your nerves, drain your energy, and sicken your psyche. Life is big and filled with many opportunities. Look around you and you will find those who are worse off. Misery, misery, and the greatest affliction... There are people dying of hunger... and countries in constant wars. If you visited one of the psychiatric and mental hospitals, you would thank God very much for the hours of your sadness and your stage of depression, which is nothing compared to the misfortunes of others...

Posted on Apr 19, 2024